
What is the difference between the attribute of ma’ani and ma’nawiyyah?



Alhamdulillah, praise and thanks to Allah for the countless blessings He has blessed us all with. Blessings and salutations to the Prophet Muhammad PBUH, his wives, his family, companions and all those that follow his teachings to the day of judgement.

To make the understanding of society regarding aqidah easier, scholars emphasized several important attributes that every Muslim is obligated to believe so that his understanding in regards to the matters of godliness could be correctly understood.

The 20 Attributes of Allah SWT is arranged a bit late in the progression of madhhab Asya’irah. It can be said, it emerges during the end stage or era of the arrangement of the discussion of godliness according to madhhab Asya’irah. The 20 Attributes is collected by Imam al-Sanusi in his book Umm al-Barahin and commented by various scholars in the world. Before Imam al-Sanusi, the discussion on the attributes of Allah SWT is already stated in their books. Among them are Imam al-Haramain al-Juwaini [1] who divides the attributes of Allah SWT to nafsiyyah and ma’nawiyyah [2] while Imam Fakhruddin al-Razi divided the attributes of Allah into salbiyyah, idhafiyyah and haqiqiyyah. [3]

The discussion on the attributes of Allah was initially discussed in the time of Imam Abu Hasan al-Ash’ari which emphasizes the basic attributes stated in the Quran which are qudrah, iradah,’ilm, hayah, sama’, basar and kalam. These 7 attributes are the obligatory attributes of Allah SWT. These are the attributes that are named as ma’ani attribute of which we will explain their difference with the attribute of ma’nawiyyah. Four parts of the attributes of Allah that are arranged by Imam al-Sanusi are the attribute of nafsiyyah, salbiyyah, ma’ani and ma’nawiyyah.

Definition of the Attribute of Ma’ani

The attribute of ma’ani is for anything that exists, stands on His existence which obligates rulings on it. Another definition is “Anything that shows the meaning that stands on the Essence.”[4] Simply put, it means the 7 attributes stands on themselves and it obligates all the determinants for the 7 attributes of ma’ani which are the attribute of ma’nawiyyah.

Imam al-Sanusi said:

ثُمَّ يَجِبُ لَهُ تَعَالَى سَبْعُ صِفَاتٍ تُسَمَّى صِفَاتِ الْمَعَانِى

Then, it is an obligation for Him the 7 attributes that are named as the attributes of ma’ani.

The attributes of ma’ani are qudrah (The Almighty), iradah (The Decree), ‘ilm (The All-Knowing), hayah (The All-Living), sama’ (The All-Hearing), basar (The All-Seeing) and kalam (The All-Saying).

Asya’irah scholars named the ma’ani attributes refers to the true reality that exists on the essence of Allah which are the 7 main attributes; qudrah, iradah, ‘ilm, hayah, sama’, basar and kalam. [5]

Al-Imam al-Baijuri in his Hasyiah stated: “Know that ma’ani attributes from the angle of ta’alluq [6] and its absence, the same for general ta’alluq for an obligation, permissibility and impossibility especially with mumkinat or maujudat are divided into 4:

The Definition of the Attribute of Ma’nawiyyah

Here we state the several definitions of it:

According to Imam al-Sanusi,

ثُمَّ سَبْعُ صِفَاتٍ تُسَمَّى صِفَاتٍ مَعْنَوِيَّةً وَهِيَ مُلَازَمَةٌ لِلسَّبْعِ الْأُوْلَى

“Then the 7 attributes that is named as the attributes of ma’nawiyyah which are the constant of the previous 7 attributes (ma’ani).”

These attributes are kaunuhu qadiran (His situation of the Almighty), kaunuhu muridan (His situation of the All-Decreeing), kaunuhu ‘aliman (His situation of the All-Knowing), kaunuhu hayyan (His situation of the All-Living), kaunuhu sami’an (His situation of the All-Hearing), kaunuhu basiran (His situation of the All-Seeing), kaunuhu mutakalliman (His situation of the All-Saying).

The Difference Between the Attributes of Ma’ani and Ma’nawiyyah

The attributes of ma’ani is not the essence of Allah Himself but are attributes which stand on His Essence. Thus, it is known as the attributes of the Essence while the attribute of ma’nawiyyah are attributes that are outside from the Essence. There are several differences between these two attributes, although there are some scholars who considered them as the same. The differences are:

Here, we state the statement of al-Baijuri, “This is in consideration of the number of the attributes of ma’nawiyyah, indeed congruent with the opinion that thabit the ahwal which is the attribute that is non-existent and absent. Furthermore, it is the intermediary between existence and non-existence.” This is the opinion of Imam al-Sanusi in al-Sughra where he said “… the chosen according to the tahqiq is that it is not a matter for indeed a matter has the attribute of an impossibility.” [12]

For an easy example, Allah SWT’s Essence has the attribute of al-Rizq. With this attribute, He provides sustenance for all the universe. The act of providing sustenance is attributed as al-Raziq (The Provider).


In our opinion, the attributes of ma’ani such as qudrah and the constant or the His situation of being qudrah is the attribute of ma’nawiyyah. And the thabit from these attributes that stands on the Essence are the 7 ma’anit attributes. As for the attributes of ma’nawiyyah, it is more to the ta’bir of the existence of the meaning of the attributes of the Essence and numerous scholars such as Imam al-Sanusi considered the attributes of ma’nawiyyah are included in the 20 Attributes, although Imam Abu al-Hasan al-Asy’ari Rahimahullah himself did not considered them as such. Indeed, everything that have been discussed above is only taken from al-Quran and al-Hadith. We try our best to simplify this discussion so that it can be understood by the public and be a guide and beneficial knowledge in our lives as Muslims.
